to meditations on the future relationship between animals and humans

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In the future, humanity must have a different relationship with the animals in the world. Both the animals that are domesticated and those that live in the wild. The current relationship is characterized by humans killing and eating animals and that many wild animal species in various ways are dangerous to humans. But no matter where you are in your relationship with animals right now, the future will be different for all of us. You might not be a vegetarian and have no plans to become one – that doesn’t matter. You might be afraid of poisonous snakes and spiders – that doesn’t matter either. The specific circumstances of the present are not the focus of these meditations – the future relationship is the focus.

This also means that you do not need to imagine anything while you meditate. You should not have any purpose or plans as you step into the silence of meditation. You just need to let go of expectations and control and allow yourself to be carried along with whatever happens. All you need to do is sit down and quiet your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations and let your body be an energy system that functions both as a channel for the future and as a receiving system for the information and energies that are beneficial for you to receive right now. These energies can unfold completely or partially for you now, or they can lie dormant like small files ready to unfold at a later time.

Thus, the meditations have two purposes – an external and an internal one. Partially, you act as a channel for the energies that need to enter the collective plane on Earth and work for the future relationship between animals and humans. And partially, you are a recipient of energies from the higher dimensions, helping you with your own personal relationship with the animal kingdom. I have set two weekly times: Sundays at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 5:00 pm – GMT / UK time. There is no facilitation of the meditations from my side; you just need to sit for 20-30 minutes and enter the meditation state yourself. Because these are coordinated times, you will be able to enter a collective energy channel and have stronger experiences. But it is not a requirement. You can certainly meditate at other times, and if you do so with the purpose of this meditation as your intention, you will be led into the energy line that exists at those two times. You can test for yourself whether it makes a difference for you to enter the meditation at the designated times or at other self-chosen times.

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